Ramblings that are generally associated with me and my FYS-American Roots Music.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Governor Blanco

Last night, I had the privilege of sitting in on an address by Governor Blanco at my college. It was definitely an unique experience. I had never seen a national political figure talk before. It surprised me how down-to-earth she was. She was not at all stuck up or arrogant, but instead was simply a real person. She talked to us for about an hour and a half. While most of the talk centered on New Orleans and their rebuilding efforts as well as the disasters of Hurricane Rita and Katrina, she touched briefly on her career and her background.
To me, it was amazing that a teacher turned stay-at-home mom could become the first governor of a state that is normally very conservative(other than around Bourbon Street).

1 comment:

Nic McPhee said...

A really nice little post - thanks!

I was also struck by how approachable she was. She talked more about her journey from stay-at-home mom to governor in some of the open sessions the next day, and it was quite interesting to hear her talk about the process of coming to realize that it was even possible for her to run for office.