Ramblings that are generally associated with me and my FYS-American Roots Music.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Pandora's Box

I've been using Pandora, but I have found that once I've started looking for stuff I actually like(as opposed to the class list) that I never listen to our class's material. It's strange, but it is just the way it happened.
I don't like how you can hear a song that you like, but then it may never come up again. Or just the opposite, a song you hate is played over and over, like a broken record.

1 comment:

Nic McPhee said...

I guess I'm confused. Are you trying to create new stations and no getting what you want, or are you trying to focus a "roots music" station and finding that it takes you away from what you wanted?

You can edit your station. Click the triangle by the station name, and then choose the appropriate menu item. They then show you all the things you've given thumbs up/down to, and you could change those and see if that helps.